What are the listing requirements?

Here are our current requirements for online businesses that need to be met before they can be accepted onto our marketplace.

  • An online business that makes $2,000 per month or more in net profit over a 12-month average
  • Google Analytics on the website for at least 3 months (Clicky is also acceptable).
  • The business must have a SOLID track record of at least 12 months of revenue/earnings (We will accept a record of 6 months for Adsense / Amazon Associates / Affiliate businesses.)
  • Adsense / Amazon Associates / Affiliate / Advertising sites must be on the same domain for the previous 12 months.
  • There must be no evidence of actively manipulating with penalizations, deleted accounts, 301 redirects short-term earnings etc. (If there are 2 instances or more, the website/business will immediately be rejected).
  • Service/Client businesses must derive over 50% of their income from multiple clients, can’t just be relying on a single customer.
  • PLEASE NOTE: The business cannot be related to pornography, gambling, payday loans, hacking, illegal substances, any form of criminal activity, or sell physical products that are CBD or hemp oil-related. Plus, any site promising cures through herbal remedies/other dubious claims, or anything that leans in the direction of these categories will not be accepted (which we will also determine during the vetting period).
  • Generally, we do not accept businesses in the “adult” niche. Businesses in the sexual wellness space may be considered if we believe we have the buyer pool.
  • In addition to the above categories, any website with fake SEO, IG/Facebook/Twitter followers etc. will immediately be denied.
  • We may reject a business we deem as being unfit for our marketplace or if we don’t believe we have the buyer pool for the current business due to the structure or P&L.
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