When setting up your calendar the more availability you can add, the better! Keep in mind that Empire Flippers has a global audience with potential buyers spread across the entire world.
Rather than just restrict your call slots to your own personal 9-to-5, consider also adding a couple of slots in the early morning soon after you typically wake up and a few slots later in the evening before you typically go to bed. Buyers in other timezones further afield will surely appreciate that!
At a minimum, we request that you always have at least 1+ free call slot for the current week and 1+ free call slot for the following week. Less than that and you can expect our team to reach out to you about adding more slots. Ideally you might have 10, 20+ slots per-week. Obviously not all of them will be booked, but buyers have busy schedules as well so the more options you give them the more likely interested buyers will actually schedule the call.
Do use our handy features like the "Copy to 3 Months" feature when you try to save your availability. That will let you configure just 1 week's worth of availability and then not have to worry about it for another 3 months since your first week's schedule will be duplicated for all those future weeks.
Lastly, some quirks about our calendar that you should know are:
- Buyers cannot schedule a call with less than 24 hours notice, even if there is a free slot
- This is to ensure that you'll always have adequate notice after a call is scheduled
- To schedule a short notice call you can generate a Zoom link from the “Messages” area in your conversations with prospective buyers.
- For larger listings call slots are 1 hour and 10 minutes long, even though the actual call with the buyer is just 1 hour
- This is because the first 10 minutes are a "preparation call" where it will just be you and the Empire Flippers salesperson to discuss strategy and the background of the buyer you're about to speak with
- If you'd like to make your calendar "pretty" for buyers, consider having your slots start at 50 minutes past the hour so your prep call goes from 50m to the top of the hour. That way, from the buyer's perspective the calls will start at the top of the hour versus, say, 10 minutes past the hour.