What checks are involved in your vetting process?

Most of our sellers find our process straightforward, but thorough. Our goal is to provide a quality option for discerning buyers looking to avoid digging through tons of listing to find something of quality.

The vetting process checks both:

  • Seller’s personal info including name, email, etc.
  • Site details such as URL, date purchased/created, site history, backlinking efforts, etc.
  • Screenshots of complete monthly revenue details (gross monthly revenue, net monthly profit).
  • Verified complete monthly expenses (Cost of goods sold, VA’s, content, advertising, hosting, etc.).
  • Google Analytics data/access (Clicky is an acceptable alternative).

The process can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks depending on the amount of information needed to make a decision and the complexity of the website or business. We often follow up with the seller to ask for clarification or anything else we may have missed.

While it is still the responsibility of each buyer to do his/her own due diligence, our vetting process ensures that buyers are not wasting their time with sites that aren’t worth reviewing.

There’s more to it than we can cover here, but we go into more depth regarding our vetting process here.

If you're unsure whether your business will pass our vetting checks, you can submit your business here and we'd be happy to take a look. 

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