What type of businesses do you sell?

We sell online businesses with the following monetizations:

Affiliate, Amazon Associates, Amazon FBA , Amazon FBM, Amazon KDP, Amazon Merch, Application, Digital product, Display advertising, Dropshipping, eCommerce, Info product, Lead gen, SaaS, Service, Subscription, Subscription-box.

Additionally, the business must have made $2,000 per month or more in net profit over a 12-month average. 

The business cannot be related to pornography, gambling, payday loans, hacking, illegal substances, any form of criminal activity, or sell physical products that are CBD or hemp oil-related.

Plus, any site promising cures through herbal remedies/other dubious claims, or anything that leans in the direction of these categories will not be accepted (which we will determine during the vetting period).

Generally, we do not accept businesses in the “adult” niche. Businesses in the sexual wellness space may be considered if we believe we have the buyer pool.

For a more detailed breakdown of our requirements, you can visit our sell your site page

If you own an online business and are unsure if you qualify, you can submit your business here. We would be happy to take a look at it for you. 

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